I listened intently as our leader spoke. He was letting us know about the big decision. He made it without consulting anyone. This leader claimed that everyone in the organization would agree. In fact, it was a bad move. Our leader was on the road to ruin. Fast forward a year and things were not good. His bad decision derailed the entire organization. Our leader made a classic mistake and paid the price. He did not know the practical tactical tips leaders leverage to make good decisions.

Practical tactical tips for making good decisions
All The Way Leadership! believes that strong leaders know how to make good decisions. They usually make good decisions for their teams. It is important that leaders ask insightful questions about the best way to make good decisions. In this post, I share some practical tactical tips (PTTs) for how to make good decisions based on experience. Simple advice for new leaders to follow.

Practical Tactical Tip (PTT) #1 – Choose the best method for making group decisions
Many times a group of leaders will make an important decision together. In this scenario, the group should choose the best method for making the decision as early as possible in the process. There is a big difference between a general consensus decision, a majority vote, and a unanimous decision. Making unanimous decisions is the most challenging. You want diverse opinions and views for big decisions which may lead to disagreement about the best path forward.

PTT#2 – The bigger the decision the more voices needed
Big decisions are usually hard to make. The reason is that you do not want to blow it. Therefore, it is practical for a leader to confer with others when making a big decision. The bigger the decision the more voices you need at the table. You should avoid making mega-decisions on your own, or with just a few advisors. Indeed, sometimes you have to due to time pressures. But, you should aim to get as much input as possible whenever you are making a big decision as a leader.

PTT#3 – Not making a decision is making a decision
No one likes indecisive leaders. They drive their teams crazy by taking forever to make decisions. Worse yet, they don’t ever make a decision. The reality is that if you avoid deciding you are actually making a decision. You are letting down your team, and putting your fate in the hands of others. Avoid this scenario at all costs. People don’t like working for leaders who cannot make timely decisions.

Remember – Consensus is usually sufficient
One final reminder. Remember that consensus is usually sufficient for most decisions. It is rare that you will get everyone to agree on the best path forward, especially for big decisions. Consensus building requires time and energy, but it is well worth the investment, and much easier than making unanimous decisions.
Christine Quinn
ATW! is designed to make you a better leader
I hope you join me on this journey to raise up the next generation of leaders. The world is in desperate need of more great leaders. Women and men who lead with confidence, clarity, and creativity. It’s time to become the leader that your world needs. Let’s go All The Way!