I am writing a blog series about becoming a strong leader in the post-pandemic world. Last December, I declared that leaders must set clear priorities for success in the post-pandemic world. In April, I shared a proven leadership tool, the Eisenhower Decision Matrix, to set clear priorities in demanding roles. In the last two months, I described a powerful tool that helps leaders set clear priorities and focus their daily efforts. For this blog, the last in this series, I will explain how your calendar will confirm that you have set your priorities appropriately.
Is it hard to tell if your focus is on your priorities?
The short answer is no. The best way to tell if you are appropriately focused is to check your calendar to discover how you invest your time. If your priorities show up on your daily schedule, then you are focused on them. If not, then you are distracted by other things. Yes, different activities can easily distract leaders. It happens to all of us. When checking your calendar, three other symptoms may indicate you need to change how you invest your time.

Symptom #1 – your calendar is overpacked
What do you see on your calendar each day? Is it overpacked with endless meetings? How about double-booked? Triple-booked? Do you have time scheduled to get your actual work done, or will you work late every day to complete your tasks?
I believe that having an overpacked schedule is not healthy or effective. I have witnessed many leaders hamper their performance due to their overpacked schedules. You can’t be at two or more places simultaneously.
Similarly, joining multiple virtual meetings simultaneously is not a good idea. Your divided attention is not helpful or respectful to the other participants. If this is you, trim your schedule so that you have only one meeting to attend or task to perform at a time. More focus will increase your effectiveness.

Symptom #2 – your calendar has no white space
Do you have time for any breaks (white space) in your schedule? If your calendar is full of back-to-back meetings with no breaks in between, you may be setting yourself up for failure. If one of your scheduled meetings goes long, it may cause a domino effect on the rest of your day. The next thing you know, you will be late the rest of the day, which is unacceptable. Not to mention that you will be exhausted later in the day. Take daily breaks to transition from one meeting or task to the next. With this approach, you will show up on time and ready for action, not late and exhausted.

Symptom #3 – you maintain multiple calendars
I believe the best approach to calendars is to have one, not more. Put all the activities that require your attention on the same calendar to get an accurate view of your schedule. Some leaders I know are reluctant to put personal items on their professional calendars, so they have to monitor more than one. Multiple calendars create more work, maintenance, and confusion. Please keep it simple and use one calendar. If you are worried about privacy, you can easily mark something on your calendar so others cannot see the details.

One final observation about your calendar
If you are not careful, other activities will dominate your schedule, not your top priorities. Making sure that your priorities show up on your calendar takes effort. That means you must invest your time to manage your daily schedule or have someone else do it for you. Both these methods work well, as long as someone puts in the work to keep you focused on your top priorities. Trust me, this investment is worth it. Don’t let a crazy calendar full of distractions rule your world.
What gets scheduled gets done.
Michael Hyatt
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