Leaders must communicate, collaborate, and engage effectively in the hybrid workplace

Last year, I started a blog series about being a strong leader in the post-pandemic world. Are you ready to be a strong leader in the post-pandemic world? I discussed three work-related changes leaders must understand for success in the post-pandemic world. In 2024, I wrote several blogs on how leaders can address significant change number one — fewer people and resources to get the job done. This year, I will shift the focus of my blogs to big change number two — more video engagement and collaboration in a hybrid work environment.

There are cameras everywhere

Look around. There are cameras everywhere. You have a camera on your phone. Many phones feature more than one. Your laptop includes a camera. Most large cities have cameras deployed everywhere to monitor citizen and tourist activity. If you are like me and many of my neighbors, you safeguard your home and protect your family with a security system with cameras. The reality for leaders is that cameras are everywhere, including in the workplace. As a result, it is important that leaders know how to communicate, collaborate, and engage effectively in a hybrid workplace that includes showing up well on camera.

More people work from home these days

Return-to-work policies are a hot topic these days. The new US government administration recently announced that it would require all workers to return to their offices. These changes created a lot of angst across this workforce. This debate has been brewing over the last few years. Many organizations allowed their staff to work from home during the pandemic, which made complete sense. Now that the crisis is over, leaders are adjusting for the future. Does that mean everyone will return to the office? No, not everyone is ending work-from-home options. Some are sticking with the work-from-home option. The bottom line is that more people work from home than in 2020.

Many organizations are hybrid workplaces

Many organizations offer a hybrid work model, which means an employee works in the office a few days a week and from home for the other work days. Hybrid is the new norm. What does that mean for leaders? You will likely have staff members joining meetings virtually. In this environment, leaders must communicate, collaborate, and engage effectively to be successful.

How much time do you spend on camera each week?

If you don’t believe me, then ask yourself a simple question. Do you spend more or less time on camera than before the pandemic? For many leaders, the answer is likely more, perhaps more time than before. If your answer is no, I wonder if you choose not to turn your camera on during virtual meetings. I will explain why that is not an optimal choice in a future blog. Your people want to see you.

Leaders will need to communicate, collaborate, and engage effectively in the hybrid workplace

Given this new reality of a hybrid workplace, leaders must learn how to communicate effectively in virtual environments. It is much different than in person. Over the next several months, I will be writing about this topic. I will share tips about how to show up well on camera and host meaningful meetings. The bottom line is that strong leaders do both of these activities well. Weak leaders do not.

Modern video technology is much better for the hybrid workplace

Let me finish on an upbeat note. The good news for all leaders is that video technology has dramatically improved in the past few years. Camera quality is much better, and the software used to manage virtual activities has significantly improved during the pandemic. For example, Zoom and Microsoft Teams offer a better array of functionality. Plus, most people are more experienced in using these tools, which greatly helps.

In the next blog, I will discuss why communicating effectively on camera is challenging in a hybrid workplace

What about you? Do you know how to show up well on camera? Do you have the tools you need to host meaningful meetings? If not, don’t worry. In the next blog, I will discuss tools to help you succeed this year. Even if you already possess these skills, read the following few blogs. I will challenge you to be even more effective in leading successfully in the post-pandemic world.

ATW! will make you a better leader

I hope you join me on this journey to raise the next generation of leaders. The world is in desperate need of more great leaders. Women and men who lead with confidence, clarity, and creativity. It’s time to become the leader that your world needs. Let’s go All The Way!

All The Way Leadership!

Published by

Doug Keating

Veteran leader and life-long learner. Founder of All The Way Leadership! Former US Army Airborne Ranger and Officer. Passionate about training the next generation of leaders to change the world.