2017 was a bad year for several leaders. 2018 and 2019 may have been even worse. I wrote this blog over a year ago. It is still as relevant today as it was then. No signs of real improvement yet. We need leaders to step up to the plate and deliver. Not break the rules and exhibit bad behavior until they get caught.

Leaders face high expectations and always will
Leaders are expected to deliver results without breaking the rules. We demand that senior leaders behave themselves. It is a reasonable demand. They are well compensated. Senior leaders handle a lot of responsibility. If they act inappropriately it could affect many, perhaps even the entire organization.
“To whom much is given, from him much is expected”.
Ignorance is a flimsy excuse for bad behavior
We witnessed numerous leaders getting into trouble in 2017 for bad behavior. It almost seems like an epidemic, especially for men. When you turn on the television there is another male leader explaining what happened and apologizing for it. Ignorance seems to be a common excuse. Only weak leaders avoid responsibility by claiming ignorance.

Bad behavior is nothing new
I will argue that leaders doing things that should not be done is nothing new. People have been misbehaving since the dawn of time. We are all humans and leaders are no different. They face the same temptations as everyone else. The main difference is that the consequences of bad behavior are more severe for leaders. They should be.

Increased transparency is here
Let’s start with the good news. Increased transparency is here. It is easier these days to figure out if a leader is a bad apple. We live in a world full of digital dust that can be traced. What leaders say and do can be captured on cameras, microphones, and in emails. The idea of making remarks “off the record” is dated. Nowadays it is easy to record events. If you are a leader, remember that the microphone is always on when you are talking. Your company is most likely recording every keystroke you make. More than one leader fell from grace because they naively believed that no one would know what they were doing. They were wrong.

How to avoid bad behavior as a leader
As a leader, you may be asking yourself – what are the rules? Not an easy question. The rules, ethics, and norms vary across industries. The company I work for performs a lot of contract work for the US Federal Government, a highly regulated industry. The rulebook we play by is long and complicated. As you would expect we have a strict ethical code. Some leaders forget and/or ignore the rules and pay the price.

Do not lie, cheat, or steal
For example, I cannot offer a gift of any kind to the clients I support. Exchanging gifts with clients over the holiday season may not be a big deal in your company. If you work in the commercial sector, the rules will be different. If you work internationally you may be dealing with radically different cultural norms. I recommend keeping it simple. Do not lie, cheat, or steal. If you do, as a leader, you will pay the price at some point in time like the examples I will describe below. Take the higher road – totally worth it in the long run.
“Take the higher road and secure a stronger, more lasting victory”
Daniel Stewart
Do not lie to your customers
Over the past decade, several companies were caught lying to their customers. In 2017 Apple revealed they have been deliberately slowing down older iPhones without telling their customers. Many consider Apple as the leading technology company in the world. But, they have been hiding the truth. Their customers responded strongly when they learned the news. In response, Apple released a long (really long) explanation on their website. Now Apple is in the process of rebuilding trust with its customers. It is not good timing for them – sales of the latest iPhone are lower than expected.

Cheating may come at great cost
In 2015 Volkswagen cheated on the emissions tests conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for VW diesel vehicles. Their CEO testified to Congress that they cheated on purpose to increase vehicle sales in the US. The fact that a German company cheated on a test designed to protect the environment was shocking. If you have ever visited Germany then you know how seriously they take protecting the environment. The cost to Volkswagen has been enormous – over $20 billion. If you cheat it is highly likely that you will get caught. It may come at a great cost to you and your organization. Don’t do it.

Cheating may cost you everything
Lance Armstrong was a great champion. He won seven Tour de France titles – more than anyone. He was a hero to many, especially those fighting cancer. Lance survived cancer. He went on to raise millions of dollars for cancer research. He gave great speeches and made millions of dollars in the process. But, there was a problem. Signs of trouble surfaced in the early 2000s – questions raised by former teammates and colleagues. Lance attacked all of them, calling them liars, hitting them will huge lawsuits. Lance defended himself for years, and I believed him. Many did.

The truth finally came out
Lance was a cheater. After much pressure, he finally confessed the truth to Oprah Winfrey. He cheated to win and he lied for years. What did cheating cost Lance Armstrong – practically everything. He was stripped of all his Tour de France titles. Sponsors dropped Lance, costing him millions. Worst of all – Lance Armstrong is not allowed to race anymore. The one thing he truly loved is the one thing he cannot do anymore. Next time you think about cheating to win, remember Lance Armstrong.

Stealing is never acceptable
We all know that you should not steal anything from anyone. Yet – it still happens. I think it is rare that you will have to deal with an actual thief stealing property in your company. What is more likely to happen, and perhaps more sinister, is for someone to steal intellectual property (IP). As this article explains – some employees will steal IP when leaving your company. Stealing IP comes in multiple forms. Some people will print out documents. Others will swipe files using a flash drive. It is amazing how many documents one can save on a cheap flash drive.
Companies can look for bad behavior
Most companies monitor employee digital activities. It is pretty easy to tell if someone is up to no good. I work for one of the best consulting companies in the world. I am sad to say that I know of several examples when companies caught employees stealing IP on their way out the door. The reality is that it can happen to any company. Don’t let it happen to yours.

Holding ourselves accountable by avoiding any bad behavior
It is important as a leader that you hold yourself accountable, and also those who work for you. Based on the examples I described above I highly recommend you avoid lying, cheating, or stealing at all costs. Do not tolerate these behaviors in your organization either. The price you pay is big. Take the high road instead. It is worth it in the end.
ATW! is designed to make you a better leader
I hope you join me on this journey to raise up the next generation of leaders. The world is in desperate need of more great leaders. Women and men who lead with confidence, clarity, and creativity. It’s time to become the leader that your world needs. Let’s go All The Way!